Thursday, September 13, 2007

Meeting Summary 9/13/07

2:30- To Business: Chess Game discussed, team created.
2:33- List of new topics. Topics Added to list:Mind and Brain, Freewill.
2:43- Free Will is Established as new topic.
-Simpson opens with definition and varieties of belief: Determinism, Libertarianism, Compatabilism, and Fatalism.
-Robert Meadows talks about his belief of determinism and how he came to it.
-Chris disagrees and sites Wave Equation and how all things must have some aspect of randomness.
-Defining of Random.
-32 BttF references
3:08:32- Minh Le enters, discussion on whether or not he could have chosen to come.
3:20- God and Free Will
3:25- Closing Statements
3:30- Meeting ends with poll
Determinists:2 Fatalists:2 Libertarians: 1 and Compatibilists: 6

Six people joined the club today and we thank them for attending.
-Jonathan Knapp


Vinny V said...

Hey, you posted just as I got on and was reading the rest of the blog. Also, First!

Patrick C. said...

Hey Jon, can we get a current complete Queue posted?

Sorry, I couldn't make the meeting today. I'm sick. :-(

thesocialist said...

ooh. Very swift.