Thursday, January 8, 2009

Meeting Summary 1-8-09

Well I would appear to have lost the minutes already so here we go with a summary off the top of my head.
Today's topic of discussion was the Israel-Palestinian Gaza Strip conflict. It was discussed mostly on topic until we devolved into the annexation of Mexico and Canada. I recall this line of thought coming around after the plan to take all the Jews and put them in Montana following World War II. We think it would have displaced less people.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Meeting Summary 8/28/08

The first official meeting of the year was a success so congratulations everybody. There were about 13 people at the meeting today which is great, make sure to tell your friends to come. The first good hour or so of the meeting was about a booth that is going to be set up during some lunches. It's a table with information about joining the military and it's being supported by our club. No members are required to do anything or asked to do anything but we hope that soon we can expand this idea into a general speech forum for people that need a club sponsor. We closed by covering the general information of the Russia-Georgia conflict so that next week we will be able to discuss the events in our typical fashion.
Once again, thank you for attending and if you have any questions feel free to call me at (623)-867-5309


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Meeting Summary 4-3-08

Hello again everybody to the first real meeting in a good month and a half.
2:40 Meeting begins
- Topic: What is Freedom
- Eastern and Western freedoms
- Islamic culture versus Protestant culture
- Find freedom in the ideas of Muhammad?
- Paul, New Testament has the same ideals as the ones discussed with Muhammad
- After all it was the same area of the world
- Freedom vs. Slave to Decision
- Buddhism
- Taoism

What we're hoping that the members of the club would do is define for themselves what they think freedom is and then share that and debate it. We also hope that you would all look into eastern cultures as they would not be as familiar to you as western ones.

Todays meeting was brought to you by cheetos and coke. Taste the reaction.

Reference List
- Fried Green Tomatoes
- Bernard Montgomery
- Back to the Future
- Things Fall Apart
- Do androids dream of electric sheep
- Authors middle names
- Braveheart
- 1984
- Dragonheart

Thank you for your time,

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Meeting Summary 3-20-08

I spoke for and hour and twenty minutes on the following
-Time Travel
-Gay Marriage
-Chick publications

Sunday, March 16, 2008

New Meetings

This hasn't really been updated since we moved to the new meeting area so here I go. Meetings are no longer held in the ceramics room. They are now held in the Sophomore English room. Thanks you for attending to all the new members and I will have the new list of topics up here shortly. Minutes will also return as of next weeks meeting.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Meeting Summary 11/20/07

Todays meeting covered what we will be doing for the next two meetings as well as some small discussion on karma.
The charity that you guys sponsored raised $150 so great job everybody.
Next week we will be planning the debate on the existence of God scheduled in two weeks so please attend if you plan on coming to that.
Finally we were able to get Mr. Mangin to agree to be our moderator for the debate so we hope to see you all there.

Friday, October 12, 2007


This thread exists for consideration of next week's topic in the comments section. The next topic in the queue is The Mind and the Brain. Biological evolution and the meaning of life have also been considered, but the field is still wide open for new suggestions. Please, comment!